Address: 19850 E. Colima Road, Walnut, California 91789

Phone: (909) 595-5030
Chinese中文: 626-605-2088

Address: 19850 E. Colima Road, Walnut, California 91789

Phone: (909) 595-5030    Chinese中文: (626) 605-2088

Walnut Valley Assisted Living dining options: rice plate

What is Compassionate Cuisine?

Here at Walnut Valley, we understand not only the physiological need for nutrition and hydration, but the joy and fulfilment that comes from enjoying our favorite foods and the social dining experience. For most it is an incredibly important part of our social being and daily life.  Our goal is to provide quality meals that meet these needs for each resident.

Why do we do this?

For many seniors, creating nutritious meals at home can become a daunting task that often results in weight loss, declining health and isolation. Our Passionate Cuisine programming is created to not only maintain our resident’s health and stamina, but to keep them socially engaged.

Walnut Valley Assisted Living dining options: chicken bowl

How do we achieve this dining experience?

  • Using quality and local ingredients.
  • A menu based on our residents likes rather than a generic menu sent by a corporate office.
  • Incorporating ethnic foods that relate to the resident’s cultural identities.
  • Creating a welcoming and social dining environment to avoid isolation.
  • A wide variety of options offered daily to stimulate appetite and avoid boredom.
  • Attention to heart healthy and other modified diets.
  • Chef demonstrations and cooking classes.
  • Trips to local restaurants.
  • Shopping at the local farmer’s market.